Greta appeared with two plates of food. There were fruits, meats, and soul cakes, and she grinned as she handed one to August.
“You need this too, sis,” she said, taking a bite of a chocolate covered strawberry.
“Thanks,” August said cautiously, studying the plate.
“Trust me. Eat before it gets too busy. Then you won’t have a chance to and you’ll be starving all night,” Greta mumbled.
Graeme chuckled next to them, still holding August’s hand secure as if he was reluctant to let her go for even a moment.
“Should I get you some food too, Alpha?” Greta asked, taking another bite of fruit.
“I’m okay right now. I can share with my mate if necessary,” he smirked, admiring the two most important women in his life right now who were standing before him on this auspicious night. He was blessed.
August sampled a traditional soul cake—one she had not yet tasted—and nodded her approval before turning to Graeme to offer him a bite. He allowed her to feed it to him, taking the whole rest of the cake in his mouth and making her giggle.
“Feeding the babies?” Sam came up next to Greta and kissed her on the cheek. She smiled in response to it.
“Good evening,” came Charlotte’s gentle voice, greeting them as she appeared like magic out of the sea of bodies around them that parted for her. “You all look beautiful.”
She hugged each of them and kissed the air next to their cheeks, pausing as she beheld August. “And you, my dear, look like a Luna.”
“Thank you, Charlotte,” August smiled. “I love your dress.”
The regal air with which Charlotte carried herself befit the occasion. She truly looked as if she could be the queen here. Her hair was twisted out around her head like a crown, and she had a gold mask that shone brilliantly in its contrast against her dark skin.
“Thank you, dear. Yours is heavenly,” she replied before turning to Graeme. “And our Alpha has decided against his bowtie I see,” she chuckled.
Graeme cleared his throat, for the first time feeling the pang of guilt at changing as earning the disapproval from the elder female would mean the disapproval of someone he greatly respected.
“It wasn’t comfortable,” he answered, trying to maintain the dignity of his status with the deep husk of his voice, though in truth he sounded like a pup objecting to clothes his parents were trying to force on him. The females around him—Greta, August, and Charlotte—all grinned in amusement.
“You look as you should,” Charlotte chuckled. “I see you have your father’s medallion,” her hand gestured toward his neck.
“Do you know much about it?” Greta asked. “We were talking about the raven and daylight myth before coming here, but no one knows why Maggie chose it for our father.”
“I know of the legend, but I am not sure why she chose that one specifically for your father,” she answered. “Magnolia was very close with your parents but not with many others. It is unlikely anyone else knew but them.”
They all stared at the pendant resting against Graeme’s chest as they considered the mystery that might not be solved.
“But I know they all would have been proud to see you wearing it,” Charlotte added, admiring it on him. “We are blessed to have you back with us.” She grabbed his arms and patted them again, offering him a blessing of her own.
“Can I get you some food, Charlotte?” Sam offered from Greta’s side.
“No, thank you Samuel. Our circle is outside seated at one of the tables there if any of you should wish to join us,” she turned to smile at Greta and August, her eyes crinkling as she did, “though I suspect you will be kept busy most of the night.”
“We will come find you,” August assured her, and with that Charlotte nodded her departure.
“I don’t think I’m going to be able to eat this,” August told Greta, offering her the plate.
“Oh, okay. Is something wrong?” Greta’s face scrunched in concern.
August shook her head, placing a hand over her stomach. “My stomach just feels a little off.”
A spark of understanding lit on Greta’s face, and she winked. “It’s starting,” she said, nudging her.
“I hope you’re wrong,” August laughed, though it turned into a groan as she imagined dealing with the kind of nausea she had seen Greta have.
“Lycan pups are ornery in the womb. I wouldn’t be surprised if you are sick for awhile,” Greta smirked.
“You look too happy about it,” August chuckled.
Greta shrugged, laughing as she did. “I’m sorry. It’s just a good sign. Your pup is healthy. Remind me tomorrow after all of this and I’ll give you a check-up. Maybe we can even hear the heartbeat. Wouldn’t that be fun?”
August’s eyes went wide behind her mask imagining it, and she felt Graeme’s arm snake behind her back and surround her once again with the warmth of his proximity. Her male was touched by this thought of hearing their child’s heartbeat as well. She could feel the way it soothed something deep within him. Who would have known it was a pup that would bring him such reassurance about their future here.
“I would like that,” August answered.
“Are you going to monopolize your mate all night?” Greta then asked, shooting a look to her brother. “I want to take her out back where Charlotte and the others are.”
“We just got here,” Graeme replied, a small bite to his tone reserved only for her. “We will make our way back there, I assure you.”
August ran a hand up his back against the soft velvet of his jacket. In truth, she didn’t wish to be parted from him either, and she could sense the eagerness of those around them to be the next to speak with them both. The pack members desired to witness their Alpha and Luna together. It was like a pulse of excited expectation in their surroundings.
Greta grabbed one of August’s hands and squeezed it with a small smile. “You know where to find me, then.”
“Shall I stay by you, brother?” Sam asked, requesting permission to depart with his mate.
Graeme shook his head, allowing his Beta the freedom to go enjoy the night until things began heating up later.