My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires. Novel

Chapter 1083: Growing Imperial Domain 4

Chapter 1083: Growing Imperial Domain 4

Clare POV

“The emperor has issued the command, and His Majesty’s orders are absolute.” Clare closed her eyes for a few seconds, and when she opened them again, determination shone in her eyes.

“We will conquer this planet in two days.” Clare shortened the timeframe.

“Do you have a plan?” Laura asked.

“Yes.” Clare nodded. “We will work smartly, targeting the enemy’s greatest strength. Their reproductive capacity, we’ll leave the hive mind unconscious while we deal with the other hostiles.”

“In that case, I can create a virus to make this possible, but I need samples from the hive for the virus to be effective,” Kaleb said as he started working on a simulation.

“Do not underestimate the enemy’s adaptability,” Laura warned.

“As soon as any pathogen affects the enemies, they will create a new generation that is resistant to those pathogens. A simple virus is not enough. A mutating virus is too risky,” Laura pointed out.

“I know. The goal of the Virus is not to kill all of them but to incapacitate the hive. While it is incapacitated, we will eliminate all hostile presence on the planet and ensure the safety of the world tree,” Kaleb said, throwing data from his simulation onto the screen for everyone to see.

Watching the simulation, Clare spoke, “For this plan to work, we have to go down directly into the hive’s nest.”

“It’s dangerous to leave your posts, you are commanders. What if a hostile force appears?” Even though she knew that was an impossibility, she had to mention all possible scenarios. That was one of the personal lessons the Emperor himself had taught the siblings.

Always have a backup plan B, C, and D for a situation. If the plans are not enough, try force. If force is not enough, just retreat, and join with the Empire. If even that is not possible, fight to the end, the Emperor will protect your soul.

“There will hardly be a high enough civilization in this solar system capable of space travel, not to mention that the soldiers of the Empire are not incompetent. I trust. them with my life.” Clare looked at the operators who would take care of her ship while she was down there.

The operators stood up and hit their chest with a fist while nodding rigidly, Clare could feel their determination.

“We will follow Kaleb’s simulation to incapacitate the hive, and while it is

incapacitated, you will kill the enemies around the planet to prevent the hive mind from transferring.”

The reason for taking such meticulous action is due to the biology of hive-type organisms; the information in the Velnorah file says that an enemy with a hive mind is the most problematic to deal with because they can transfer the ‘main’ mind to any individual, making it difficult to get rid of these pests.

“Very well, I will be monitoring the mission’s progress. May the Emperor protect you.” Laura said and then disconnected the communications.

Making a mental note, Clare had ten spaceship-class strategists, and she could bombard the planet at key points and ensure the highest elimination rate. She had 50,000 soldiers aboard the ten ships in total, each capable of fighting a low-level god and each armed with plasma weapons that could melt the enemies.

She had resources, loyal soldiers, and the advantage; she just needed to use everything wisely.

Opening a hologram in front of her of the planet, she began to make an attack plan, and in less than a minute, battle plans A through D were created.

Broadcasting the plan to the other ships, she spoke:

“Communication to all ships, orbit the planet at these key points, and have the orbital cannon ready to fire at any moment.” She turned and began to walk while Kiana, acting as the vice commander of this fleet, accompanied her.

“Conan and Kaleb, get ready for battle. We will ensure the main mission’s success.” “Yes!”

“Kiana and Caelus, you are responsible for eliminating all hostiles on the planet once the first mission objective is achieved… Do what you do best.”

A monstrous smile spread across Kiana’s face. Among all the siblings born that day, Kiana and Caelus were the ones who most inherited the demonic side and were killing machines.

Though they were not on par with John, Conan, and Clare herself, compared to them, Laura and Kaleb seemed like normal beings, which wasn’t exactly wrong since they were only normal in a group of abnormalities.

But outside of this group, they were as abnormal as the previously mentioned, especially when it came to battle intelligence. Kaleb and Laura could even be future gods of tactical warfare, a position that was Athena’s in the past and remains vacant for now.

Clare and John were natural leaders.

Conan, Caclus, and Kiana were the berserkers who destroyed everything with the

fury of the Emperor in their hearts.

Kaleb and Laura were the ‘minds’ of the group.

“Don’t forget your subordinates, you won’t be fighting alone.”

“Yes.” Kiana and Caelus responded. This was one of the lessons etched into them by Scathach, and they would not make the mistake of focusing solely on the fight and forgetting everything around them. They were soldiers, not bloodthirsty beasts. [Slayers in position, Commander.] The Operator’s voice echoed throughout the ship. Clare picked up the helmet and placed it on her head while a HUD appeared in her vision, showing all her vital signs and the weapons on her body.

[Orbital cannons ready.]

“Wait for my signal.”


Clare entered an isolated room and sealed the door. Immediately, zero gravity took over, floating her body as the hatch opened to reveal the planet below. She slid into a pod that projected holograms of the exact places to position her feet. Securing herself to the device, she assumed a vertical stance.

Sirens blared at the start of the process.

[Target acquired, strategic launch ready… On your command, Commander.]


Immediately sirens began to sound, and the Operator’s voice was heard.

[Launch in 3…2… 1… Go]

[C-000 launched into the combat zone… May the Emperor’s grace be with you, Commander.]

Clare was launched directly toward the planet, her suit glowing with the heat of reentry, but she remained focused, checking the HUD for the programmed landing point. Even as the figures of her brothers, Conan and Kaleb, emerged in the sky around her, her gaze remained unwavering.

As she fully entered the planet, her senses immediately picked up the enemies looking at her. Slightly slower than her senses, the AI of her suit began to compute everything. [Hostile presences detected, calculating hostile threats…] 3 long seconds passed until

the AI spoke again.

[Hostile Threats 1,025,654,564,879… Difficulty to complete the assigned mission based on the user’s specifications and those of her allies… Moderate difficulty.]

Ignoring the Al, Clare continued looking toward her target. Even as the ground rushed up to her view, she did not move.

Clare and her two brothers hit the ground, and a crater opened up on the planet, but instead of stopping, they kicked the air behind them and propelled themselves further, their bodies now catching dragon fire, melting everything in front of them.

[Arrival in… 3… 2… 1… Now.]

When Clare’s view shifted to a vast open space, she released her wings into the air and

looked around.

Immediately, she sensed danger coming from behind her, and several humanoid

beings made of pure acid leaped at her.

Clare raised her hand and used her dragon fire to burn the enemies to ashes; as soon

as the fire appeared, the whole area was illuminated, and she saw hundreds of hostile

beings all around-she was completely surrounded.

Darkness was not a problem for beings like Clare since she could see much better than a normal human, and even if she couldn’t, her armor was equipped with such


“So this is the hive.” In front of her, a gigantic being was continuously producing more

and more beings.

“This being makes no sense. Why does it keep producing more beings? It’s not as if

there are enemies that need fighting…” Kaleb spoke as he, Clare, and Conan flew with

wings outstretched.

“Yes, there are enemies… Ours.” Conan said. “More specifically, the Emperor.”

“…The Emperor’s presence… I understand that makes sense. When the Emperor ‘looked’ at this planet, this Hive must have sensed the danger and therefore started producing more and more beings, and now there are so many enemies.” Kaleb


“Anyway, there’s no use thinking about this now. Let’s focus on the mission.” Kaleb waved his hand, and various pieces of equipment appeared in the air.

“Kaleb, prepare your equipment. I will collect the samples, while Conan will ensure

that no one will approach you.”


Conan and Kaleb remained in the air to maintain aerial superiority, even though, in

such a confined space, this superiority meant nothing. After all, the hostiles could climb the walls and jump on them, but being in the air was safer than being on the

ground. Conan pulled a sword that immediately lit up with pure violet energy and stayed close to Kaleb while climinating the hostiles. With his free hand, he fired his plasma pistol, clearly conserving energy since going all out with so many enemies was just foolish. Meanwhile, Clare flew towards the large pulsating hive as her dragon fire immediately evaporated all the hostiles that jumped at her.

Clare entered inside the egg, and her whole body was covered in acid, but the dragon fire evaporated everything that came into contact with her. Continuing to fly towards the hive’s core, she saw a mall pulsating egg. Moving closer to the egg, extra hands

came out of her suit and approached the small egg.

After all, only fools would touch an unidentified alien object without adequate


After a moment, the artificial hand touched the egg and took a sample,

The artificial intelligence spoke in Clare’s helmet, but with a very different voice: [Data

acquired, alien species with great reproductive capacity, it consumes the natural energy of the planet to sustain its large hive. Previous data show that this parasite is slowly killing its own planet by consuming large amounts of natural energy. Because of this rampant predation, the world tree of positivity cannot fully develop. Possibilities show that this alien race was not naturally born on the planet but came from outside, possibly from higher sectors, in an attempt to enter this sector. The species has great weaknesses to fire and high temperatures. The species prefers the cold for a better environment, while the hive releases toxic gasses into the planet’s


‘I see, that explains why the planet is so strange. Clare thought upon hearing the voice

of Akasha. [Due to the sensitive information issue related to possible hostiles from high-level sectors, this information will be temporarily classified as Empire secret level G-7] Empire secrets are confidential information that only those with high ranks can


Clare, as the commander of an entire fleet, has clearance up to level G-4. The higher the level of confidential information, the more ranks are required to access it. Level G-7 was a level that only the Emperor and Empress could access.

Clare’s access level may seem limited, but it isn’t. In the entire Empire, only she, John,

and the Emperor’s most loyal subordinates, like Oda and the demonic elders, have access to this level.

This level of access can grant her information about practically anyone within the Empire. She can also access records of other soldiers’ missions, including any medical and personal data. This type of trust is given only to the most loyal, and it is also proof

that Clare is among the elite of the elites.

Privacy? Such a thing does not exist, not even in the old modern world. In the Empire,

it is a luxury for those of Very high rank, like the family of the Emperor.

Her Brothers have access only to level G-3.

Citizens of the Empire only have access to level G-0, and those with more

bureaucratic and political jobs only have access to G-1.

If you want to gain more access to confidential information, you need to join the great legion of the Empire’s soldiers and earn the rank of at least captain of a large squadron. Only then will you have access to level G-2.

Of course, this is not a rule. If you make a significant contribution to the Empire, you

can also gain such access. After all, although the current Empire is more militarized

due to future wars, the non-combatants are just as important. Contribute to the Empire, and you will be rewarded. This mentality, developed in hell by the Emperor, has not died, and this same ideology is present in the Empire. Clare quickly exited the hive while keeping the samples safe in a fortified container.

[I trust I don’t need to mention the importance of keeping the information given to you confidential, correct?]

“I understand, Lady Akasha. Clare knew that just the fact that Akasha was telling her

this was proof of trust. Akasha could very well have just taken the information and left her in the dark, but she didn’t do that. [Good. I will refine the data and only give what is necessary to your team.] [I will communicate to the Emperor about your team’s involvement and contribution, good work, Clare Bloodhunter.]

[Proceed with the mission. Your Brothers are waiting. May the Emperor’s blessing be

with you.] Akasha ended the communications.

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