As soon as Akasha cut off communication, the voice of the Artificial Intelligence echoed throughout all communications.
[Samples acquired, data transmitted.]
Leaving the Hive and flying towards Kaleb at high speed, Clare quickly reached him and handed over the sample: “Kaleb, prepare the virus.”
“2 minutes… No, give me 1 minute.” Kaleb quickly grabbed the samples with protective gear made of Divine Material.
Reading the information at high speed, Kaleb’s brain began to work, and in less than 2 seconds, he was already preparing a virus.
Meanwhile, Clare joined Conan to keep the hostiles away.
She pulled the sword from her waist and pointed it upwards, and soon, the entire area was illuminated by Dragon Fire. Spinning the sword around her, she killed hundreds of Beings.
“Disgusting creatures, I don’t even feel like fighting,” Conan grumbled as he kicked a hostile that approached with enough force to make a hole in the wall, killing it instantly.
Suddenly, an earthquake began to occur, and the scanners on Clare’s and Conan’s helmets began to sound.
Ignoring the scanners, the two looked towards the Hive and saw it releasing some kind of slimy monster.
[Alert, Alert. Massive Life signs detected, danger level, an abundance of Natural Energy detected, threat level: High-Level Combat God. Number of hostiles 5.]
“Finally, she realized that these weaklings were not enough,” Conan spoke as he looked at the hostiles.
As Conan spoke, Clare did not stand still like a fool and immediately prepared her attack. Her helmet deformed as a mouth full of Draconic teeth was seen as she took a deep breath, and then…
A Dragon’s Roar boomed outward, followed by a beam of concentrated Fire that immediately covered 4 of the 5 hostiles, killing them instantly.
“Tsk, you could have let them transform.”
Clare narrowed her eyes and immediately approached Conan and punched him in the stomach hard enough that Conan felt his stomach twist in pain.
Glancing angrily at Clare, Cona shouted: “What is this-…”
But he stopped his words when he saw Clare’s look of pure hostility. It wasn’t a look she gave when the brothers were playing, but a deadly look she gave only to enemies.
“Conan, stop playing around. Or do you want to go back to Lady Scathach so she can fix that personality of yours?”
Conan sweatdropped at Clare’s valid threat. Scathach could love Victor’s personality that loved to fight since she was like that too, but before and now were different times.
It didn’t matter if you liked to fight or not. You had to prioritize the mission and complete it with 100% effort. The brothers were lions, lions that were taught since childhood to use all their strength even when hunting a rabbit.
Scathach did not joke around during their training… Unfortunately, Conan often fell back into his bad habit.
“You are a soldier, Conan. One on a mission, at that. I expect your full effort and total commitment to the mission. Fail me, and you fail The Empire. And I will gladly turn you over to your superiors to be fixed.”
Clare was not joking. Conan was a great soldier, but what good was a Soldier who did not take the mission seriously and willingly let an enemy grow stronger just for fun? This kind of attitude was nothing but dangerous to himself and to all his allies.
A soldier must carry out orders with 100% effort, especially those who were created directly by the hand of The Emperor. Just as The Emperor created them, The Emperor could dispose of them if they were incompetent.
She was not afraid of being undone but feared not meeting the expectations of her Creator, who gave her so many gifts. Not reaching her full potential was merely an insult to him.
Conan immediately turned toward the hostile and used all his strength, covering his sword with Dragon Fire, and sliced through the air. A fiery slash flew towards the creature and killed it instantly.
“I was just conserving Energy…” He said.
“That’s a valid strategy, but don’t let the enemy grow stronger deliberately just for your amusement. The mission takes priority over your feelings. Do not disappoint. The Emperor, Conan.”
Turning her eyes away from Conan, she looked towards Kaleb, who had just finished
the virus.
“I took more than 1 minute, I need to improve further.”
“That’s true. If it were Indu Aline or I adu Duhu that would have finished in less than
30 seconds.”
Kaleb nodded in agreement.
Clare didn’t say this out of malice but to motivate him. After all, they were created to
be the best, and striving to be the best was essential.
Holding the vial containing a green liquid, Clare asked, “What should I do?”
“Just inject it into the core.”
“Very well.”
“You two with me. Let’s move on to the next phase of the plan.”
Clare, Conan, and Kaleb immediately flew toward the Hive, their bodies completely covered by Dragon Fire, and they entered the core immediately.
Kaleb and Conan were tasked with keeping Clare safe, and when the group arrived at
the core of the Hive, Clare immediately injected the virus.
A horrific scream was heard across the planet, and the next moment, the Hive stopped
[Hive activity levels declining, minimal biological functions… All Hive efforts are now focused on defending against the virus.]
“How long will the effects last?” Clare asked Kaleb.
“24 terrestrial hours, I can make more, but the effects will diminish with each dose… I
predict we can keep it dormant for 7 terrestrial days. After that, it will become
completely immune to the virus and all its variants.”
“That’s enough time,” Clare said, then ordered, “Orbital cannons… Bathe this planet in Imperial fire.”
Kiana POV.
“You heard the Commander! Fire!” Kiana ordered.
Immediately, the ships in orbit began firing on the planet. As a projectile touched the surface, a 500-meter area instantly caught fire, killing hundreds of hostiles.
[Hostile count decreasing.]
“Keep firing, I want to see this planet glow red like the fires of Hell!” Kiana ordered.
A full five minutes of orbital bombardment rendered the entire planet glowing with fire, killing all creatures on the surface.
[Count finished, Hostiles detected: 50,233,245] The Artificial Intelligence spoke.
“Tsk. those numbers must be deep in the soil.” Kiana said. Her guess was correct, and
as soon as the Artificial Intelligence stopped counting how many had died, a map of
the planet was displayed showing several life signals underground.
“Begin phase two. Soldiers, it’s time to do our job!”
“18,000 soldiers will go with me. The rest should stay on the Slayers for protection and
future orders.”
Kiana, along with Caleus, who was on another spacecraft, immediately went to the launch hangar. Just like Clare, Conan, and Kaleb did, they jumped from orbit.
Soon, in the skies of the infested planet, several soldiers beginning to enter the atmosphere could be seen, soldiers who would bring destruction to the enemies of
The Empire.
The sky was covered as if meteors were falling to the planet.
When the 18,000 soldiers, along with Kiana and Caelus, were 200 meters above the
ground, they began to slow down.
Kiana and Caelus unfolded their Dragon Wings while the regular soldiers had the thrusters on their armor activated automatically.
Soon, all of them landed on the planet, causing a rumble due to their weight, ignoring
the fire. After all, they were Beings of fire and such a thing could not affect them, not
to mention the armor also protected them.
“Split into squads of 50 soldiers! Take as much as you can and kill the enemy!”
“No mercy, no restraint, eliminate everything!”
“Brothers, trust your instincts, trust The Emperor, bring the glory of The Empire to
these disgusting aliens,” Kiana ordered.
While the process of capturing the planet was underway, one of the brothers was
standing on the bridge of his ship, looking at the image of a planet light years away.
Despite being light years away, the image in front of him was the real-time image, since The Empire’s technology was that advanced.
“A fleet won’t be enough to conquer this planet,” John muttered to himself.
“Analysis complete, Commander.” One of the operators spoke.
“Put it on the screen.”
Instantly, information about the planet was displayed for all to see.
‘As expected, one fleet won’t be enough, I’ll need my brothers or even one of our Gods!
John thought. The enemy Empire’s strength was high. They had several Primordial Gods, a mature World Tree that had already developed its dark side, and a united society. “The strongest God on this planet is a First-Generation Primordial. John didn’t know what Divinity the God possessed, but depending on which one it was, he would need reinforcements.
[Data acquired, the current fleet will not be able to effectively conquer the planet, sending reinforcements.] Akasha’s voice resounded throughout the ship, catching everyone by surprise, and then a hologram of Akasha’s form appeared on the screen. An Operator immediately looked at the screen and saw the woman’s unmistakable features. When he saw the woman’s violet eyes, he immediately identified her as the
Emperor’s Daughter.
After all, it was common knowledge that, except for the Empress, all of the Emperor’s Daughters had violet eyes.
“Lady Akasha.” John and the soldiers present immediately knelt down. Unlike the Operator, John knew Akasha since it was his duty to know his direct
Ignoring the soldiers, Akasha was focused on her work and immediately contacted one
of her Mothers to explain the situation. Soon, her voice was heard again. [Initiating transfer… Rose Elderblood, Eleonor Elderblood, and their Valkyries have been successfully transferred.]
[Command of the Slayer will be passed to the highest authority present. Do you have any objections, Commander John?]
“No,” John replied, still in the same position.
[Very well, Commander John, you can rest. I will leave the command in the wise hands
of my Mothers.]
The moment John heard the command, he got up from the ground and looked towards the entrance, a gesture that everyone followed as well.
Akasha’s image disappeared, and then they heard the door open as two women over 4 meters tall entered. They were wearing full armor that only left their heads exposed. Their subordinates were taller than in the past, measuring 2 meters tall, but still much
shorter than the ‘Goddesses’ present.
The very presence of Eleonor and Rose commanded respect from everyone present.
This was the weight of a Dragon God and a Grandmaster.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I heard my Daughter’s plight, and we came in response,”
Eleonor spoke with a serious face.
She approached the Commander’s chair, and as she was getting closer, Reality was
doubled in that area, and the chair took on the form of a Throne of dark green colors
with shades of black.
Grabbing her long white hair and throwing it in front of her so as not to sit on it,
Eleonor sat on the Throne.
Such a demonstration did not go unnoticed by everyone here, and only John
understood exactly what she did.
“Akasha, be a sweetheart and give me the report from this front,” Rose said.
[Yes, Mother.]
The information flashed onto Rose’s retina, and she read it all at high speed.
In less than a couple of seconds, she understood everything that was happening. The
same happened to Eleonor.
“I see, is it in the Emperor’s plans to conquer this planet by force?” Elenor asked.
[Operations Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta aim to conquer all the planets observed by The Emperor during that event.]
Everyone knew that that event was when Victor turned into a Dragon. [Operation Delta is almost complete. As soon as they complete the mission there, they will come here to provide support.]
“I assume that Alpha and Charlie are in Velnorah’s hands, correct?” [Yes, Mother Velnorah will personally conquer the other two remaining planets. Once
those planets are conquered, she will set out to map all of the galaxy in that Sector.]
While Mother and Daughter talked, the subordinates remained silent. Even the Valkyries did not interfere. After all, that level of authority was beyond them.
“Hmm… Very well, I have decided.” Eleonor gave a small, cold smile. “We will invade the
planet today.”
[… May I ask how?]
“We will attack the leaders. Capture the Gods who can be useful as resources for the Empire, and eliminate the useless ones.”
“When the Gods fall, the population will completely lose the will to fight.” [… Mother, it is not that simple. A cornered animal can be very dangerous.] If there
was one thing Akasha learned in the simulation, it was not to be surprised by the actions that a group of people do in desperation.
“Ah, my dear Daughter, I know very well how animals work. After all, you know what
my old territory was like, right?”
“Believe me, they will surrender. No matter the civilization, there will always be those
who want to see the arrogant Gods bleed”
Even ours is no exception. These were the unspoken words by Eleonor that Akasha
and Rose understood, which was why the images of stern Gods, who reward hard
work, were important. They could not act like arrogant Gods who did not care about their people. With their Draconic Senses, Rose and Eleonor, the moment they arrived in this solar system, looked in the direction of the planet and understood how their society worked. Although these Gods were more intelligent than the others, and there were competent Gods there, most of them were essentially arrogant, especially the 3rd and 4th Generation Gods who were children of the Gods who made the Empire what it
was today.
‘It’s a good thing we made sure to teach our Daughters properly, or something like this
could have happened to us too. Eleonor thought.
[Very well, I’ll leave Operation Bravo in your capable hands. Once Operation Delta is complete, I’ll order them to join Mother Velnorah.]
As soon as Akasha’s image disappeared again, Eleonor spoke.
“Valkyries, your participation will be important today.
The Valkyries’ faces lit up. “Finally some action…” Alexa whispered excitedly.
But since everyone present had supernatural senses, they all heard what she said but
decided not to comment on it.
“About the plan… Are we going to do that?” Rose asked her Sister.
A small smile appeared on Eleonor’s face: “Yes”
“Fufufu, this will be fun.”
“You deal with the Primordial God, I’ll go after the World Tree after my ‘performance!
John, and the Valkyries deal with the other Gods.”
“By that time, everyone should be in the same place, and it will be very easy to deal
with them like this.”
“Okay” This arrangement was fine with Rose.
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