You're My Only Star Novel

You're My Only Star Novel
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The first time she saw him, Song Xing Xing ran over a pole, injuring her head.
The second time she saw him, he had thought that she was a reporter, sneaking backstage to find materials on his artists.
The third time she saw him again, this man turned out to be her big boss!?
It was said that the rich and famous President Lu Xun of NEXT Group despised women.
Living in a glamorous world, surrounded by beautiful stars, he was someone who could never escape scandals with beautiful models, actresses, songstresses, and even heiress. However, those scandals would only stay a few hours before they died.
After encountering her big boss in a few awkward situations, Song Xing Xing discovered that this man was very different than what she had expected.
However, could someone tell her what is this man doing in her bed?
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - A Job Offer
- Chapter 2 - Died In A Mission
- Chapter 3 - Bai Zhi's Problem
- Chapter 4 - A Dating Scandal
- Chapter 5 - About President Lu Xun
- Chapter 6 - Defeat A Boss
- Chapter 7 - Old Friend
- Chapter 8 - Runway
- Chapter 9 - Playing Detective
- Chapter 10 - A Lunatic
- Chapter 11 - To The Police Station
- Chapter 12 - Regret
- Chapter 13 - Babysitting
- Chapter 14 - Lu Xun's Past Relationship
- Chapter 15 - Big Boss
- Chapter 16 - Pep Talk
- Chapter 17 - A Loyal Friend
- Chapter 18 - IceBreaking Session
- Chapter 19 - Can You Keep A Secret?
- Chapter 20 - Song Yi's Call
- Chapter 21 - The Song's Family
- Chapter 22 - Strange Situation
- Chapter 23 - Shi An Na
- Chapter 24 - New Year
- Chapter 25 - Bai Zhi's New Role
- Chapter 26 - Inappropriate And Disgusting
- Chapter 27 - Pretending
- Chapter 28 - Cry If You Want To Cry
- Chapter 29 - They Were No Longer Friends
- Chapter 30 - General Huo
- Chapter 31 - Huo Yun Chen's Popularity
- Chapter 32 - First Day At Work
- Chapter 33 - Generous Boss
- Chapter 34 - Muddleheaded
- Chapter 35 - It Was Not A Person!
- Chapter 36 - She Was Telling The Truth
- Chapter 37 - Wandering Off Somewhere
- Chapter 38 - Caught A High Fever
- Chapter 39 - Mr. Fluffball's Approval
- Chapter 40 - She Must Be Crazy