Manipulative Harem God Novel

Manipulative Harem God Novel
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Synopsis: "Embark on a perilous odyssey with our mysterious protagonist as they dance upon the sword's edge, navigating a lush valley adorned with a mesmerizing array of blossoms. Within this verdant realm, secrets are unveiled, for our protagonist possesses a unique ability to pluck these delicate petals and transform them, weaving a tapestry of vibrant hues to match their desires. This intoxicating journey explores the art of seduction and manipulation, as beauty itself becomes a canvas for manipulation in the hands of the cunning 'Harem God.'"
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1: "You called the police on me!?" (1)
- Chapter 2: "You called the police on me!?" (2)
- Chapter 3: "You called the police on me!?" (3)
- Chapter 4: "You called the police on me!?" (4)
- Chapter 5: The fierce police offcer
- Chapter 6: Taken to the Police Station
- Chapter 7: Threatening Leng Yan
- Chapter 8: Jasmine
- Chapter 9: "Are you trying to seduce me?"
- Chapter 10: *Yu Lei*
- Chapter 11: An unfortunate accident (1)
- Chapter 12: An unfortunate accident (2)
- Chapter 13: An unfortunate accident (3)
- Chapter 14: The Villain System
- Chapter 15: Zhang Wei caught molesting a little girl!
- Chapter 16: She is your mother!?
- Chapter 17: Where are your parents?
- Chapter 18: Feng Xinyue
- Chapter 19: Teaching lesson to Song Hu
- Chapter 20: Zhang Wei is in trouble
- Chapter 21: System Shop (1)
- Chapter 22: System shop (2)
- Chapter 23: Becoming a Cultivator!
- Chapter 24: *Zhang Wei bullying kids (1)*
- Chapter 25: *Educating the celestial princess!*
- Chapter 26: The Book of Desitny
- Chapter 27: Rong Meili
- Chapter 28: Acquired New Skills
- Chapter 29: A trapped bird...
- Chapter 30: *Beautiful Celebrity Neighbour*
- Chapter 31: Waterfront District
- Chapter 32: Guardians and Nine Heavenly Treasures!
- Chapter 33: Yu Lei Kidnapped!?
- Chapter 34 Song Hu outsmarted!
- Chapter 35 Blame yourself for it!
- Chapter 36 Too overpowered!
- Chapter 37 Leng Yan woke up (1)
- Chapter 38 Leng Yan woke up (2)
- Chapter 39 Leng Yan defeated!
- Chapter 40 First Slave Acquired! (1)